
Salesforce Support Services - Salesforce Support Jobs


Salesforce Support Services - Salesforce Support Jobs

Salesforce has been ruling the CRM market for more than two decades, helping several businesses in making sense of the complicated database and tracking the processes undertaken by the sales reps.

However, handling Salesforce is not easy. The CRM platform comes with a lot of customizable features tools, and applications, all serving specific purposes and providing specific services and Salesforce Support Jobs.

No matter how successful your Salesforce implementation is, you will definitely need some Salesforce help at some stage. Your system might face irregularities in carrying out specific actions. Your sales reps and Salesforce Professionals may find it difficult to understand new tools and platforms. There are many small and big administrative issues that can be faced while using the CRM platform and may need Salesforce support.

Till now, Salesforce had been looking after the needs of the businesses seeking help by providing personalized Salesforce Support Services. However, that is not the case any longer.

If you are in need of Salesforce help, Salesforce will no longer provide you with Salesforce support from its side. This puts you on your own when it comes to seeking Salesforce help from the experts.

However, we make sure that there are no hiccups in your business processes due to a lack of Salesforce assistance by providing exclusive Salesforce support services to you.


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Why Choose Our Salesforce Support Services?


Industry Experience

We understand the hesitation companies go through while choosing service providers and want to reassure you that Techila Global Services possesses more than eight years of industry experience.


The support services we provide are a result of the lessons learned and knowledge gained during our fairly long run in the industry through Salesforce Support Jobs.

Skilled and Reliable Professionals

Our team is filled with skilled, experienced, and capable possessing skills for all major areas of Salesforce. All our team members have an ample amount of working experience in the industry through Support Process Salesforce and have mastered their respective fields.

No matter what problem you are facing and what services you are in need of, you can feel free to approach our Salesforce experts and you will definitely get a productive resolution of your problem.


Personal Touch

Take your workplace flexibility and efficiency a notch higher with the help of seamless mobile customization of your Lightning Cloud. Access all the major tools and features on a mobile application, allowing your team members to log in from any location at any time with their activities recorded on a real-time basis.


The advanced user interface offered by our Salesforce Lightning development services through Salesforce Support Engineer allows you to render Lightning pages for your mobile, allowing you to perform a variety of activities without being concerned about the platform your team is working on.

Reasonably Priced

You can rest assured that we will never charge you a penny more than what is necessary. All our services are decently priced, keeping your budget constraints in mind.

Depending on the amount you are willing to spend on Salesforce Support, you can ask for specific services to be provided by our team. You can get in touch with our experts on our Salesforce support email or give us a call for getting a suitable quote or find Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune.


Utmost Transparency

We believe in complete transparency in all the support services provided by our Salesforce experts. At every stage, while performing every process, you will be informed about the status of your project and the results attained by our Salesforce Support Services.

No matter what the results are, we will never hide our reports, plans, analysis, of feedback from you and keep you updated about all our actions on a regular basis.

Staying Updated

The Salesforce Support provided by our professionals involves the use of the latest technology and upgraded tools. We keep ourselves update with all major technological advancements and market trends, ensuring that you do not miss out on the right opportunities.


24/7 Support Services

Our services are not bound by time limits. You can avail of Salesforce help from us any time, with the services being available round-the-clock.

Now that Salesforce has refrained from providing support services, Techila Global Services is the best alternative in the global CRM market to receive Salesforce support of the same caliber and standards.

Book your appointment now by giving us a call or shooting us a mail stating your requirements.


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Attain The Best And Most Reliable Salesforce Support Services

Techila Global Services now provides extensive Salesforce support services to businesses all operational scales and belonging to all industrial sectors. Our Salesforce professionals have put in years of working experience and CRM knowledge into our support services by our Salesforce Support Engineer.

Now that Salesforce has stepped back, our Salesforce support services ensure that you do not spend hours in handling issues and complications arising out of the CRM platform. While our professionals from Salesforce Job Support will be at your service, you can focus on the core business issues that are instrumental to the development and prosperity of your business. Our support services are wholesome, personalized, and specific to your needs. Whether you are in need of Salesforce technical support, Salesforce customer service, or other relevant Salesforce help, all you need to do is shoot a Salesforce support email or give us a call on our Salesforce support number.

We have all your problems covered through our personalized Administration Support and Development Support services.


Administration Support Services

Administering Salesforce is arguably the most important function to be carried out within an enterprise. No matter how efficient your team is, faulty admin job would lead to disastrous results having long-term implications.

Our Salesforce support services include administration services, which look after the overall functioning of the CRM platform implemented within your system by Salesforce Job Support. Right from monitoring specific tools and platforms to ensuring the health of your CRM, our Salesforce professionals can tackle all possible Admin issues.

Data Administration

Data sets are the building blocks of a CRM platform. You cannot perform your business processes effectively if your data is faulty or not in the right place.

Through our Salesforce support services, we will assist you in managing your CRM data in the best way possible. Whether it is uploading relevant data in a Salesforce solution, integrating data across different platforms, or regular cleaning of data, we will look after all nitty-gritty details pertaining to data administration.

Additionally, you can reach out to us to set up appropriate data duplication and validation rules to ensure that your sales reps do not work on faulty data by our Support Process Salesforce.


Day-to-day Administration

If you need to administer your CRM system daily, we are just a Salesforce support email away!

On your request, our Salesforce experts would carry out a daily configuration of your system, including:

  • Setting up workflows,
  • Installing suitable applications,
  • Undertaking third-party integrations,
  • Configuration of custom reports, and
  • Other relevant configuration activities

Round-the-cloud System Monitoring

Get your CRM system monitored 24/7 through our Salesforce support services. Our team will keep a check on your system and keep an eye for detecting the smallest of inconsistencies or issues.

Just as an error is found in your system, our experts will get is fixed immediately to prevent it from growing and causing a bigger nuisance in the future. You can equate this Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune help like a watchman guarding your system day and night!


Periodic Checkup

Every system needs to be checked on a periodic basis to ensure there are no issues or irregularities affecting its performance Support Process Salesforce.

Our Salesforce professionals undertake an extensive checkup of your system according to your requirements. Whether you need a daily, weekly, or a monthly checkup we will get your system checked and fix all issues to restore smooth functioning, Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune.

Help Desk

Our executives and agents are always available to answer the queries, confusion, or complaints of Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune, Whether your system is experiencing issues, you are facing problems managing your data, or if you need a quick Salesforce help for a nominal irregularity in the platform, connect to us on our Salesforce support phone number or Salesforce Support Engineer.


Development Support Services

A lot rides on Salesforce development. Every activity undertaken thereafter would depend on the way the platform is developed. Some of our key Salesforce technical support services are pertaining to the development of the platform.

Through these services, we get into the infrastructure and development of different tools, platforms, and applications belonging to Salesforce CRM.

Troubleshooting Problems

Our technical experts help in troubleshooting specific problems experienced by your Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune. No matter how complex the problem is, we will help you discard the same by going to the code level. This helps you get rid of the root cause and ensuring better system performance.

Whether you are facing issues with the complexity of the platform, the security of your data, or other technical difficulties, seek our Salesforce tech support immediately.

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System Upgrades

It is important to stay in sync with the technological advancements being made on a regular basis. The platform of Salesforce is not aloof from these regular upgrades.

If you have taken the call of upgrading the platform and making enhancements onto the same, our Salesforce experts will help you carry out the same, Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune.

We will work closely with you to understand the objectives you want to attain and the level of automation/customization you are looking for before upgrading your system and altering its functionality for the better.


Salesforce Support Stages

Our team of experts provides personalized Salesforce support services in three major steps:

Analysis and Planning

We start by organizing a meeting with your company and understanding your Salesforce CRM. Here, we collect all the important information pertaining to the issues your system is facing, the history of Salesforce help availed of, key objectives to be attained, change backlogs, etc.

We will inspect your system to understand the issues you have been facing and to provide efficient services to you. We will document all the findings and assessments that would act as a basis for our services by Salesforce Job Support. Based on all the information gathered, our experts will chart out a detailed and effective plan to carry out the Salesforce support services for your company.


Execution of Services

This is the executive stage where the support services are carried out based on our plan.

Whether you are looking for Salesforce tech support, Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune, admin support, Salesforce customer support, or Support Process Salesforce, our experts will start doing their respective jobs to bring out the desired results.

While our support services are ongoing, we will provide you with reports and analyses of the same on a regular basis. Every process undertaken and results attained over a pre-decided period of time will be informed to you on a regular basis, throughout the course of our services by our Salesforce Support Engineer.

Feedback and Improvement

If the Salesforce support services you ask for are short-lived, we would provide you with feedback for your Salesforce CRM and suggest improvements on the basis of our expertise. You can implement our suggestions if you feel they will bring about the change suggested by our experts.

For the longer and ongoing support services, we would provide suggestions on a periodic basis (ideally every quarter) for improving the functioning of your system.


Our Approach

There are two major approaches for providing you with our support services – The task-based Approach and the Need-based Approach.

Task-based Approach

This is a common approach if you are looking for our Salesforce technical support services. As the name suggests, our Salesforce experts will design solutions and provide services based on one or more specific tasks. Here, Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune your IT managers will play an important part in getting the services approved and monitored.

Need-based Approach

This is a more wholesome approach to our Salesforce support services. Our team will assess your specific business needs and design the services accordingly. Here, your business managers will play an important role in getting the services approved and monitored, Salesforce Support Jobs In Pune.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I raise a support case in Salesforce?

Here are the major steps involved in raising a support case in Salesforce:

  • Visit the “Help and Training” page after logging into your Salesforce CRM account.
  • Click on the option of “Contact Support” at the bottom of the page.
  • Raise your case on clicking the “Create a Case” option.
  • Select the Topic, Issue, and Category for your support case
  • Check for any pre-existing cases or topics relating to your case.
  • Once you are certain there are no topics relating to your case, click on “Create a Case”.
  • Finally, add the necessary case details and click on “Submit” to complete the process.

How to use Salesforce for custom support?

Salesforce no longer provides support services to its users. If you are willing for receiving custom support for your Salesforce CRM, you can approach our team by shooting us an email or calling us on our Salesforce support number.

Our Salesforce professionals provide reliable administration support and development support services based on your specific needs and requirements.

What digital channels does Salesforce support?

Salesforce supports a variety of digital channels for managing customer database and using the same for providing personalized services to the clients. Some of these channels include:

  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Desktop and mobile applications
  • Emails
  • Search engines
  • Social media

How to contact Salesforce support?

You can contact our Salesforce support by writing a mail to our Salesforce support email or give us a call on our Salesforce support phone number.

Who can see support tickets on Salesforce?

Salesforce users seeking specific support for dealing with their system can see support tickers on Salesforce. Support tickets are nothing but a digitized version of asking the users to stay in line and wait until their cases are solved.

What are all the services that Salesforce supports?

Salesforce supports an array of marketing and sales services pertaining to managing the customer database and establishing healthy customer relations. Some of these services include:

  • Lead management, scoring, and nurturing
  • Recording and tracking customer details
  • Recording and tracking activities carried out by sales reps
  • Developing and deploying robust business applications
  • Integrating Salesforce with suitable third-party platforms
  • Analyzing data and creating customizable reports


We Provide Most Exclusive
Process For Business


We connect you with our experts who try to understand your business requirements and challenges that you are facing with your current implementation by asking relevant questions



We provide the best solution to your complex business challenges by considering what is right for the business and its customers instead of what we think is right. This is a real definition of digital transformation for us.



We believe in working together rather than for anyone because we all know together we always achieve more. Hence we act as your partners who are responsible for making you and your business successful with the implementation.



We strive for continuous improvement instead of perfection. Hence we listen to your feedback and according to that, we focus on making improvements continuously within each milestone, sprint, and release.
