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Salesforce login, | login salesforce com

By Chitiz Agarwal
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Knowing about Salesforce is essential for all who wants to use it for their work. However, it is equally crucial for people to know about Without an official account, a person would not be able to log in and enjoy all the benefits from resources given by Salesforce. Through this article, you will get detailed steps for logging into Salesforce account.

Take a look!

Salesforce login

Salesforce login can be a bit tricky. Look you, have invested, so much time and money in purchasing this platform. Not knowing how the platform uses its features to generate leads can be embarrassing.  This is the reason, why this article will teach you one of most simple ways on how you can log in to salesforce.

Go to salesforce login directly –

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If you want to log in to your Salesforce account, you directly need to go to your salesforce website. Now if your organization has some custom login feature enabled. then you need to click on the option known as the custom domain.

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Logging in salesforce as the first-time user

If you are using salesforce for the first time, then you need to check your verified email address for the mail given by the salesforce administrator team.  When you get this link, click on the link without any hesitation. Once done, the link will direct you the salesforce website, which will then ask you to set a password and a security question

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Salesforce sandbox login

There are many cases when you need to login to sandbox. URL to login to sandbox is different –  Usually the username is appended with .(sandbox name) in the end of your username.

e.g if the sandbox name is UAT and your production username is, then the sandbox username will be In most cases the password will match with that of production unless you have changed it.  

Retrieve password

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Before going through the steps, understand Salesforce login first. It simply indicates to the process through which resources provided by is authenticated in the cloud. It is done through production and developer account using a unique password and username.

Every user can enter using his/her username and password. It aids in accessing different CRM applications in ways like Apex Data Loader, using an integrated application from clients, using browsers, and more.

Allowing login access to an agent

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Permitting login lets an administrator to log into user and customer account employing login credentials only for a particular period. User authorization, as well as restrictions in Salesforce assists in checking whether users’ profiles have any IP profile, ranges in a company or a profile has restrictions when it comes to login.

An agent can extend login access depending on the plan one has opted for. Hence, the period accessed through it can be 1 or 3 days, a week, one month, 207 days, or a year.

Allowing user logging access

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To grant such access to users, one will require going to name and seek out the “My Settings” option. Upon finding it, one will need to click on it. This offers an option which will have the personal tab. Now using the mouse selecting this tab one will get the result “Grant Account Login Access”.

Once this is opened, a user will have the login access where an individual can set “Access Duration” depending on the plan and then click the save button.

An agent will offer grant access to a firm’s administrator and support team of for any further assistance. To change the duration for access, there is a change button present, which allows setting a specific time.

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After all these and saving the whole process, one will have to go to Users. To reach Users option, one will have to click on setup which will lead on to administrator page. It will allow one to click on Manage Users which ultimately shows user options. Clicking on Users will aid in login and editing according to an individual’s requirement.

Login into Salesforce Data Loader

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When trying to login on there shouldn’t be any error or problem. However, if one faces any issues trying to use Data Loader, then there are a few things which one can check. First, of all ensure that username and password is correctly typed.

Also, after this, Security Token should be added to end the login password of Salesforce. After all these, change Apex Data Loader’s server host. Ensuring that an appropriate server hosts data Loader for accurate login and usage is a must. Below steps mentions how an individual can easily change Server Host through settings:

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  1. Click on data loader and open it
  2. Go to settings and click on it
  3. In this step set your server host (; instance name here is indicated to salesforce instance
  4. Lastly, one should press the save button and save the entire setting

If any problem persists, then one should try it from a different computer and check whether it is some technical issue from Salesforce or simply had a problem with the previous computer. If the same problem persists in the other computer, call Salesforce Marketing Cloud customer support and they will be able to help.

First time logging into Salesforce

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Every new user who will be into log in, he/she should follow steps mentioned here. In this tutorial, people will learn about creating a developer account before moving into the depths of matters related to login and settings. First-time users should know about three things:

  • Using browsers logging into Salesforce
  • Setting restriction for login hour; and
  • Setting limits for IP address

Creating a developer’s free account

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Every user of Salesforce will have to log into their account first for creating a free account for the developer. This Salesforce account for developers will assist one to carry on their work without any problem.

Steps involved in creating developer’s free account

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A total of 10 steps are here that every user should follow when creating a developer’s account.

  1. An individual will need a valid email id. If not then, one will have to create an email id first.
  2. Login to the web address bflconsumer force com sales login
  3. Here, one will have to choose to join now option
  4. For participating, one will have to fill up all the details required, especially username and email id. Username should be in the valid format of email like
  5. After providing all details, simply click the signup button
  6. A confirmation email will be sent to user’s email id along with activation link
  7. Go to the email sent by Salesforce which contains activation link and click on it
  8. This link will assist in signing automatically in the website
  9. Lastly, set up a strong password so that no one can access it without permission
  10. Now simply log out

This will result in the completion of developer account creation. After this one can use password and username to login in

Logging in Salesforce

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To login into, one will have to first, enter username and password. Then, click on, register or submit button to gain access. Here, a new window pops up where a user is taken to the home page of

After one finishes creating a developer account for free, an email is received where one gets info regarding password, username, and company website of Salesforce. First time logging into salesforce requires:

  • New users should go through Salesforce login details
  • Click on login link from Salesforce which helps in gaining automatic access

Next, this article explains setting restrictions for login hours.

Setting up restrictions for login hour

Login authorization, restriction, etc. of Salesforce users, can be easily set. It is absolute for checking whether a profile has any IP profile ranges or login restrictions. This restriction is put into place because it aids in stopping users from using this login after or before set hours. Steps include:

  1. The first step includes going to Setup option from Gear icon on top right.
  2. Next, it will offer Administration choice, clicking on which will open up Manage users.
  3. From Manage users one can visit Profiles
  4. When clicking on Profile, it will open up a number of profiles set in it.
  5. Simply choose one from there and edit logging hours.

Once the end and starting login time are set, simply click on save option and hour restriction will be set.

Setting restriction for IP address

This is essential as it helps in blocking and restricting any IP address which is not authorized to log in. Mainly a company maintains IP address login ranges. To set this up, one will have to:

  1. Visit Setup option through Gear icon on top right.
  2. Go to Administration Setup
  3. Choose Manage Users; and
  4. Click on Profiles
  5. Here, select a profile which an individual wants to set a range for IP address
  6. Click the edit button and seek IP ranges for login portion
  7. Choose New Button for adding new IP ranges
  8. Lastly, enter IP addresses’ end and starting range

After all these steps, save the entire process by clicking on the button below. 

Know how to log in for salesforce sandbox

Now it needs to be released that salesforce sandbox is totally different from the CRM environments that are present in production organization. So, an action taking place in sandbox won’t affect the production environment.  Now it needs to be released that salesforce sandbox is totally different from the CRM environments that are present in production organization.

  • Salesforce Sandbox login details

Through one can visit the required page for logging into sandbox. The login button will directly report to the system administrator . When clicking on the log in option, automatically redirects people to Sandbox.

After it is ready for usage, a sandbox administrator will receive an email stating it is ready for usage. Also, it contains a link which one can use to enter the sandbox page. Also, users will be able to log into the Sandbox page simply by adding sandbox name to each of their usernames in Salesforce.

These are all the login details that every first time user should know about. Only after going through all steps mentioned above and account creation, you can use the Salesforce system adequately without any issue.

Final words:

This article highlights all Salesforce login details that are necessary for enjoying all the benefits which utilizing Salesforce provides. Without proper account creation and more, a person will not be able to use this system to its full potential. Hence, after getting this system from Salesforce Consultant, the first thing one should do is create all the accounts which are mentioned here.

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What is the difference between salesforce and salesforce platform license?

What is the difference between salesforce and salesforce platform license?

Every individual engaged in a business enterprise tries to make sales cost-effective reducing the licensing cost in some or other way. Specifically, the administrators who all are using sales for enterprise and the developer editions of the various kinds of products that they might have purchased, have found an alternative that can substantially help them in reducing the licensing costs.

Salesforce licensing platform is basically designed for the users who actually require full access to all sorts of tools present within the scope of the system. Moreover, the types of licenses inside the Salesforce platforms are responsible for the creation of those active users who are in the need of access to the different types of applications in Salesforce.

Salesforce platform license was formerly known as, nowadays is working in favor of giving some of the access and formations to the users and individuals after creating the same database in co-existence with Salesforce.

Today we are going to learn all the difference and similarities of Salesforce platform license and Salesforce. Hope this will serve as the complete guide about salesforce platform license and salesforce

The following digital piece is going to cover-

  1. What are Salesforce licenses?
  2. What are Salesforceplatform licenses?
  3. Differences between Salesforce and Salesforce platform licenses
  4. How can we reduce the Salesforce licensing costs?
  5. Parting tips
  6. FAQs


What are Salesforce licenses?

Salesforce is one of the customer relationship management systems that is specifically designed for individuals who are in need of full access to the standard applications and semantics of CRM. Users are constantly trying to have full access to Salesforce app exchange applications. Furthermore, the user who possesses this kind of license type in Salesforce has the right to access any type of standard or customized application without any restrictions further.

The benefit of the Salesforce license type is that each kind of license has a provision of additional Storage for a particular business firm and also available for the performance edition users. It is with regard to the salesforce customer relation management system execution that creates a greater value degree for the organization that ultimately, helps in increasing the sales and Finance.


What are Salesforce platform licenses?

Now we shall grab what is what is salesforce platform.Salesforce platform is for the lightning platform under user license types that are basically designed for those individuals who are in the need of to access the customized applications. There is one major limitation to the usage of the Salesforce platform where the users cannot access a standard customer relationship management functionality.

The individual users have granted permission under this user license to access all sorts of custom apps that are administered under the development of the organization. Also, the users are entitled to utilize the apps developed or install an edition of Salesforce App exchange.

There are many core platform functionalities that can be used by these users that include reports, documents, accounts, contacts, etc. There are some limitations associated with the lightning platform user license that includes the failure of entitlement to the user permissions and some of the standard applications.

The user is basically not entitled to utilize the standard tabs and distinct objects that comprise the campaigns and leads including the opportunities and forecasts. The implication of the Connect Offline can also be utilized by such users who are entitled under Salesforce license platform.

Also, all the individual users have full granted access to all the custom apps present inside the organizational firm. The license provided under this platform has the provision of additional Storage for performance and unlimited users. After the implementation of the customer relationship management system under Salesforce, the sales department has the responsibility to allocate the usages of the high degree values for the business enterprise for knowing about what are the different salesforce licenses.

The organization scope is expanding in different directions where the administrators of Salesforce are allotted a specific task for the customization of objects and finally develop the additional regions of Salesforce that can be handled for the creation of new data sets for different levels of departments according to the role hierarchies.

It is observed that the major number of operationally focused users are not demanding access to some of the customer relationship management objects and other functionalities lie within the Salesforce sales cloud or in the case of enterprise edition. Now we shall compile some of the CRM objects.

  1. Contracts
  2. Leads
  3. Forecasts
  4. Products
  5. Opportunities
  6. Orders


Differences between Salesforce and Salesforce platform licenses

Now, let us understand what is the difference between salesforce and salesforce platform license.

The designing criteria for the salesforce licenses are majorly inclined towards the grant of full access to the standard objects under Customer Relationship Management System and app exchange apps. There is a requirement of standard objects for the implementation of CRM apps that includes-


  1. Leads
  2. Opportunities
  3. Forecasts
  4. Cases
  5. Solutions


The designing criteria for the salesforce licenses platform are in the favour of granting access only to the custom apps and there is no permission to grant in case of uses of standard CRM functionalities. We can see that these Salesforce platform users definitely have full access to the core objects under Salesforce standard and functionality that includes-

  1. Accounts
  2. Contacts
  3. Reports
  4. Documents
  5. Customtabs
  6. Dashboards

There are major functionalities that are covered under the Salesforce lightning platform and the same offers about 10 customized objects sharing the same functionalities. They are as follows-

  1. Alerts
  2. Apex
  3. Appexchange products
  4. Email templates
  5. Integration via API
  6. Salesforce mobile app


While comprehending the points undersalesforce vs salesforce platform license, some of the applications which are frequently launched in Salesforce includes Human Resource Management, tracking of bugs, development of software, and tracking the attendance. Now it is compulsory that every individual user present in a business organization and using the sales force should possess a license so that the costing can be quickly incremented.

The main benefit of Salesforce platform licenses is that it provides some of the users a less expensive platform along with the credentials that are helpful in the reduction of the overall cost of licensing. Apart from that, it ensures the delivery of full access to all the users to the records and data on which they are depending.


How can we reduce the Salesforce licensing costs?

Salesforce is witnessed as one of the most popular customer relationship management systems across the countries and it has become highly appreciable among all the big organizations which are engaged in sales and marketing. But licensing cost has become the major criteria for, especially the middle and small-sized firms who are facing a tough challenge to reduce the complexity of the cost.

Here are some ways through which you can reduce the licensing costs and enforce the Optimization for your sales.

  1. Selection of the license according to the requirement
  • You should be smart while selecting and choosing the license that suits your requirement since the majority of the company’s blindly by the Enterprise edition of the Salesforce licenses without thinking about their applications and utilities.
  • Every company needs complete access to all the applications and standard customer relationship management guidelines after choosing a particular license
  • If you want a license that is free from the restrictions and that offers full access to every kind of customized application and standard customer relationship management system, you should check 5 times before the selection of license. Since you are paying a very huge amount and therefore you have the right to investigate across all kinds of licensing platforms that offer you standardized services.
  • There are several smart choices available that can be adopted from the pool of licensing options and the business organization can fairly enjoy the licensing rights that allow them the usage path to access the customer relationship services without the payment of any big license fees.

Some other smart choices for why choosing licensing options are as follows-

  1. a. Salesforce platform license

This particular option is the best suitable option for those business organizations who are in urgent need of an in-house team. The major benefit of using such a license is that it has the provision to offer access to all sorts of customized applications being developed by the organizations or exchange editions while deciding about salesforce platform license cost.

Both kinds of licenses have equally important functionalities and both are designed for the creation of customer objects. They both have the capability for handling the new data sets and so they are not in the need of any readymade customer relationship management objects that include- cases, campaigns, solutions, etc.

  1. Be careful before signing up for the different packages

Sometimes blindly without any verification, we make the selection of those packages before any kind of research. We should be aware of all the dos and don’ts before picking up a deal. If you want to access the social tools for example- Heroku, etc.


You can make the use of social enterprise license agreements that is now it is very popular in making them attractive propositions e for all sorts of businesses specifically for small and Middle-sized business organizations.


The basic applicability is responsible for the deployment of the bulk processes and the software named Search portfolio can be used on a regular basis rapidly but does not cost-efficient. It is even more expensive in comparison to the standard subscriptions for various businesses that fail to scale up and adopt the heavy volume of the software applications in the protected time framework.


  1. Purchasing licenses
  • If you want to really save your costings for the organization in taking the subscriptions, you can definitely access life which is far better than other licensing platforms in comparison to Salesforce Enterprise Edition. The major benefit lies in the reduction of the licensing cost. The licensing cost for Salesforce platform user licenseenterprise begins from $1500 for one year while taking a single license whereas and initiates its licensing cost from only $300 per license for a single year. So, this is how you can save $1,200 by opting enterprise.
  • com app addition has the facility for upgrading the users and their access to up to 200 custom objects which are limited for one year at the licensing cost of 960 dollars. You can save your 540 for one year per license if you avoid choosing Salesforce Enterprise edition that offers only 10 custom objects offering similar functionality. Under licensing, there are two types of license platforms namely one App license, and free license.
  • The former is basically used for those users who are in the requirement to access only a single custom application whereas the free license platform allows the individual users to customize the objects without allowing the freedom to access the standard functionalities.
  • The limitation is covered in such a way that there is no permission to access the standard functionality is under the Customer Relationship Management System but they are responsible for allowing access to the platform functionality such as custom tabs, reports, documents, and contacts. Still, these platform functionalities have some restrictions viral asking for user permissions.


  • One more option associated with Salesforce platform license sing is to use a licensed am Salesforce platform light. This is best suited for medium and small-sized business organizations but it holds one limitation that describes the log in the limit of a particular user for every month.


Parting tips

This digital piece has guided you in all the respects about the semantics of Salesforce, the differences between Salesforce andSalesforceplatform license and, the various tasks undertaken in a dynamic environment. Hope the explanation is conveyed in an understandable manner. In case you have queries, you can definitely fix the consultation with our Salesforce Consultantto proceed ahead with the process evenly.



  1. What are theAdvantages of Salesforce licenses over Salesforce platform licenses?

There are many advantages of Salesforce license is over Salesforce platform licenses which include-

  1. The management of internal users in an efficient manner
  2. The process of authorization of Apex
  3. The management of the packaging licenses
  4. The management of sharing and the login access policies

The licensing cost for the Salesforce enterprise initiates from 1500 Dollars per year per license whereas, for, the initial cost is $300 per year per license.




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Sharing Rules in Salesforce – The ultimate Guide

Sharing Rules in Salesforce – The ultimate Guide

The customer relationship management system has numerous applications associated with record sharing in Salesforce. The administrator responsible for the configuration of Salesforce and allows to open up the accessible modes and does not give way to create restrictions.In a particular organization, record sharing is done with the help of Salesforce sharing rules that opens up access to specific customers.

You must be having some queries related to the management of workflows and how to handle the criteria and other actions. We aim to answer all your queries in the single guide where you will learn about Salesforce sharing rules, their creation, components,the associated benefits, and its usages.                                                                                                                                                                              

The following digital piece is going to cover-

  1. What is Sharing Rules in Salesforce?
  2. Types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce
  3. Creation of Sharing Rules in Salesforce
  4. Utilization of Sharing Rules in Salesforce
  5. Parting tips
  6. FAQs


What is Sharing Rules in Salesforce?

The guidelines that are responsible for allowing access to information and data to the various kinds of clients in a particular business enterprise or a group of zones are called sharing rules. They help in the extension of the sharing access to various users according to the roles and territories. From particular users are given special access so that they can make automatic expectations devoted to their organizations and fulfill their promises to the org-wide sharing settings.

The process of creation of the sharing rules in order to open up the access to the data sharing and records can be implemented by-

  1. Who is the owner of the data and information?
  2. Creation with the help of the variables of a particular record

There is a very small path that it takes the navigation and creation of sharing settings. The first step guides us to prepare the setup followed by the security. Finally, sharing settings are made to find the org-wide sharing settings.

On the whole, role hierarchies are considered as extensions to the sharing rules in Salesforce. If there is a need to open up the axis which is beyond the limits of role hierarchies, this has to be set up in your own organization/org, and finally, you can proceed to the sharing rules for the further guide.

Therefore, there are two kinds of access configurations responsible for giving access to various functionalities. The functionality guides us about the user and the task which the user can undertake and does not pertain to the data, that is what that user can observe.


Types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce

There are various types of sharing rules in Salesforce.

1. Managed sharing

According to the guide of the role, hierarchy is and sharing rules in Salesforce managed sharing allows to share the access permitted by the lighting platforms on the basis of Record ownership.

  1. Record ownership

Each and every record is the ownership of a particular user comprising the various used for cases and custom objects. The owner of the record is automatically given access without any restrictions and the user can easily view, delete, edit, or share the record.

  1. The role hierarchies

The person or the users situated in the upper level of the hierarchy can access a similar level of records with the help of the role hierarchy. This particular record can be owned or shared by any other user which is situated below and the hierarchy and this is how the data can be shared implicitly by a grant full access to the people situated either above or below the levels.

  1. Manual sharing or user managed to share

This grant is the user or record or now to have full ownership on the record for accessing it and sharing it further. The record can be shared with a single user or a group of users. The end-user is responsible for user-managed sharing for a single record. Full access can be granted by only the owner of the record and those users who are situated above the record owner in the role hierarchy.

  1. 5. Apex Managed sharing

Developers can easily support a particular application with the help of sharing requirements under Apex managed sharing. The SOAP or API allows this kind of sharing where a user having the modify all data permission has the ability for adding or modifying the Apex managed sharing.


Creation of Sharing Rules in Salesforce

The method of creation of the Salesforce sharing rules as follows-

  1. The very fast requirement is for setting up the defaults in an independent manner for those items which have dissimilarities only after the comprehension of sharing settings and defaults of an organization.
  2. A column name external access level is visible while sharing rules creation and if you are holding the groups or zones you are able to observe the same. It offers the mode of flexibility so as to have a greater number of Limited access to foreign customers rather than the internal service stakeholders.
  3. To make a selection of a particular kind of sharing rules that is best suitable for you. This can be done by choosing the ownership. You can consider an example of a department or an organization of sales. The major work that has to be undertaken is for sharing the modes of visibility of all the records amongst each other so that there is no repetition of the same client or work in future transactions.
  4. Now you have to maintain the raw record standard. The process of assigning the records such as reports can be ascertained by the utilization of Salesforce functionalities. Now you can easily access the records of the public workers present inside the team very easily by a single click.
  5. You can also share that particular standard to a specific role.

All these standards are applicable to the user that handles the portal and grant all sorts of permissions for accessing the Salesforce community.


Utilization of Sharing Rules in Salesforce

  1. For a particular object, you have permission for defining 300 sharing rules which include approximately 50 criteria-based in case if they are available.
  2. One of the best practices of sharing rules includes that we should keep in mind to maintain 100 ownership-based sharing rules for each object and 50 criteria based for the same.
  3. You achieve the permission access level in the case of multiple sharing of rules in Salesforce where a user is allotted with various to a particular data.

You should keep in mind that after opening the access with the help of sharing rules in Salesforce, you are not allowed to keep restrictions for the records that have open access. The additional access is permitted automatically with the help of these rules. For instance, we can take the example of opportunity sharing rules that permits the access ability to all those accounts which are associated with the shared opportunities.

The rules which are associated to contact and case sharing also have a provision to allot access to the group members who are closely coordinated with that account.


Parting tips

This digital peace has guided you in all the respects about the semantics of sharing rules Salesforce, the utility and, the various tasks undertaken in a dynamic environment. Hope the explanation is conveyed in an understandable manner. In case you have queries, you can definitely fix the consultation with our Consultant and investigate the Salesforce Sales cloud to know more about planning and creation about the tips and techniques.



1.What are the components of Sharing Rules in Salesforce?

There are three basic components associated with sharing rules in Salesforce-

  1. Share which records– we can share a record that is based on the ownership of that data or resembles the similar meeting criteria. It is only permitted to share the data records belonging to a specific user with other users or a group. If the record is based on a field value, so it can also be shared with other users.
  2. With which user– for this you have to create a public group that is responsible for the simplification of sharing rules creation. A public group is a sort of a combination of the various rules and roles of individuals that share some common characteristics and behavior.
  3. What kind of access– after the identification of a requirement, access is granted and the form of access can be read-only or another access can be read and write.


  1. What are the limitations of Sharing Rules in Salesforce?
  2. You can access a wider amount of data only with the help of sharing rules in Salesforce.
  3. The status is not the criteria for the application of the sharing rules and therefore it is applied to all sorts of users whether they are active or inactive.
  4. The revaluation process for sharing rules is done each and every time and therefore, there is a modification in the number of users belonging to a group or a role.
  5. If a user possesses various access levels to a particular record, then and there is a provision of allotment open extension access to the records.
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Set methods in Salesforce

Nowadays, Salesforce methods have a variety of applications related to the grouping of data on the basis of data types. Few numbers of examples cover the usage of set methods in Salesforce where there is a list of methods that are responsible for wide applications of utilities. The Salesforce developers must know that the output of the SOQL Query is literally a list and that is the reason for emphasizing the list methods in Apex.

The prime motive of this digital piece is to emphasize on the several kinds of list methods in Salesforce and grab the utilities in the dynamic utilities. Through the information presented here, you will be enlighted with the usage of set methods in salesforce. So without wasting any time let’s get to see what you are going to learn today:

  1. Understanding set in Salesforce?
  2. What are set methods in Salesforce?
  3. Distinguish between list and set in Salesforce
  4. What are types of set methods in Salesforce?
  5. Discussion of the utilities of set methods in Salesforce
  6. What is a method and describe its creation in Salesforce?
  7. Parting tips
  8. Some most asked questions and answers


Understanding set in Salesforce?

A set in Salesforce is a collection of different kinds of elements that possess different data types in an orderly manner. These data types can be primitive data types, user-defined data types, built-in apex data types, collections, etc.

The number of elements present in a set does not allow the duplication of a particular set of value. There is no provision for preserving the insertion sequence present within the set and also you are not permitted to perform DML.

Set elements dynamically develop and grow during the run time akin to a list. If you want to make the implication of a set you should initially try using the set keyword and then you have to enter the data type name of the primitive by using the special characters, <>.

You can use the set methods in Salesforce at the time you want. All in all, a set is an ordered combination of different data types that comprise the different counts/numbers of a definite order of the records or datasets.


What are set methods in Salesforce?

Set methods comprise a set class that is responsible for the gathering of unique elements where there is no permission for duplication of the values of the objects. The major application of set methods in Salesforce lies in the fact that they worked on the basis of a set which is an ordered group of elements being initialized with the usage of Set keyboard.

As we all know that the set elements can have a possession of a random or a specific kind of data type which can be used a defined or built-in. There is a second name of set methods are renown after instance methods that guides us in favor of operating on a particular method. Also, we need a set Constructor and set method for implementing the sets of different data types.


Distinguish between lists and set in Salesforce

The list in Salesforce is similar to a definite order of the elements which can be distinguished on the basis of their indices possessing a particular order/sequence. The data type can vary for the different elements inside the list. Different data types are primitive types, collections, built-in Apex, etc.

A set in Salesforce is a random combination of many elements where there is no replica of any element arranged according to a specific kind of sequence.


Various types of Collections

There are different types of collections given under.

  1. List

The list is an order of the elements which can be distinguished on the basis of their indices. This order follows a definite pattern. The data type can vary for the different elements in the set inside the list. Different data types are primitive types, collections, built-in Apex, etc.

  1. Sets

A set isa gathering of different kinds in an unordered manner of elements that possess different data types. These data types can be primitive data types, user-defined data types, built-in apex data types, collections, etc.

  1. Maps

By following the definition of the map, it is definite/ordered collection of pairs of various key values. Every single key is regarded as a unique key that indicates a single value. Any kind of data type can be allotted to these values and keys. These data types can be primitive data types, user-defined data types, built-in apex data types, collections, etc.

  1. Parameterized typing

In consideration of the methods in salesforce, Apex as a programming language that is static in nature. It is necessary that we need to indicate the type of data for a particular variable before its usage.

There are some free transaction limits to the apex that guides us about the limitations of the account before launching the transaction of Apex. Especially for batch Apex, week and make the resetting of all the limitations after every competition of a group in a particular record with the help of a method with the name is-Execute.


What are types of set methods in Salesforce?

There are several kinds of methods available in the set class. So, here are the list methods in Salesforce.

  1. add(set Element)
  2. addAll(SetElement)
  3. clear()
  4. clone()
  5. add(index, setElement)
  6. equals(set2)
  7. removeAll(setOfElementsToRemove)
  8. remove(setElement)
  9. size()
  10. addAll(from List)


Discussion of the utilities of set methods in Salesforce

The salesforce set methods are as follows-

  1. add(set Element)

It is used for the insertion of an element into the set.

  1. add(index, setElement)

It is helpful in adding all the elements present in a particular setlist. This is done so when these elements are not already present in the list of the set.

  1. addAll(from List)

It is used for the addition of all the list of elements present in a particular set. The process of addition can be done after calling a particular method only after cross-checking their absence in the list of sets.

  1. addAll(SetElement)

It is used for the addition of all the elements present in a particular set. The process of addition can be done after calling a distinctmethod after making sure that the element is already existing.

  1. Clear()

It helps in the removal of all elements in the specified set.

The syntax for the methods clear() is public void clear().

The return value is of type void.

  1. Clone()

It helps in the creation of a duplicate copy of the set.

The syntax is public set< object> clone()

The return value from the set method is type- Set(of the same type).

  1. remove(setElement)

It helps in the removal of a particular element from the list of the set if it is already present.

  1. Size()

It is used to estimate the size of the number of elements present in the specific set.

Also, it is able to count the numbers of elements in totality.

  1. equals(set2)

This set method is used for the comparison of the set with another specific set and finally, it returns the output true in case both the sets are equals. Otherwise, it returns false.

  1. hashCode()

It is responsible for returning the hash-code that corresponds to a particular set and also, to the contents present inside the set.

  1. isEmpty() contains(element)

It returns the value true in case all the elements are zero in number inside the list of sets.

  1. containsAll(setToCompare)

It is helpful in returning the true value in case of the set if containing all the due number of elements of a particular set.

The syntax is public Boolean contains (Object setElement)

The return value from the set method is type- Object.

The data type for the return value is – Boolean.

  1. containsAll(listToCompare)

It is helpful in returning the true value in case of the list of set if containing all the required elements of a particular set list.

  1. removeAll(setOfElementsToRemove)

It is helpful in removing or deleting the elements which are present in a specific set if there are already present inside the original set.

  1. removeAll(setOfElementsToRemove)

It is helpful in removing or deleting the elements which are present in a specific list of set if there are already present inside the original set list.


What is a method and describe its creation in Salesforce?

Now, we shall discuss what is a set-in apex.

A method/set in Apex is defined as the collection of several statements that share some common characteristics and behaviour and therefore, they are grouped together so that they can perform a particular operation based on a query.

For the creation of the method in Apex set class, in general terms, we can create a Apex set methodby following the text given below-

modifier returnValueType methodName(list of parameters) {

  // Method body;



We should know that a method consists of several components that include the header and specifically a method body that contains the conditions for testing.

All the associated parts are given below which are comprised in a method of Apex list classduring its creation of the body in Apex set.

  1. Modifiers

This is an optional service that can be given to the method body and Guides the compiler of the way it calls a particular method. This is responsible for defining the access type of the method.


  1. Return type

After you create a method it is probably a possibility that it may return a significant value.

The data type for the return type used under the method is- returnValueType.

This helps in performing the desired calculations in operations without caring about the output or the return of the method segment in the form of a value. When there is no value being returned the case becomes null and void and the keyword used is void for returnValueType.


  1. Method name

This is the literal name of the method that displays the parameter lists being constituted together in the form of a method signature.


  1. Parameters

A parameter is treated just like a placeholder in which a value can be passed into the parameter as soon as the method is invoked. We can call this parameter the actual parameter and the returned value is also called as an argument. The list of parameters defines the type, the order, and the total number of defined parameters in a particular method.

The process of giving parameters is optional and we can understand that it is not necessary that every time the following set method contain a parameter or parameters.


  1. Method body

This is the main body that has the several numbers of statements being defined with relation to the specific method and the functionality of the method.

We need to follow the Syntax given below.

public static integermax(integer a1, integer a2) {

      integer result;

      if (a1 > a2)

         result = a1;


         result = a2;


      return result;





Parting tips

Hope you have liked the information that has been presented above. We tried our best to make you understand about set opportunity in Salesforce and apply them in different respects. 

So if you are preparing of being a salesforce professional, the Knowledge of set methods in salesforce is very important.   In addition there are numerous questions based on salesforce set methods, every year in all salesforce exams. So preparing fro them is a must




  1. What are the different set constructors in Salesforce?


  1. Set<T>()

It is helpful in the creation of a new instance for a particular set class. It can hold any number of elements of different data types.


It is helpful in the creation of a dummy example by duplicating or copying the different elements of a particular set inside the set class. The data type used for such elements is T.

  1. Set<T>(listToCopy)

It is helpful in the creation of a fresh example by duplicating or copying the different List elements of a particular set. The data type used for such List elements is T.

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Complete Guide to Dreamforce 2021

Complete Guide to Dreamforce 2020

When you think of salesforce dreamforce, think about a beautiful place where all talented minds gather together and share their experiences. Salesforce dreamforce is a four day event, where salesforce professionals all round the world share idea, discuss the platform and enjoy their time.

For past several years salesforce dreamforce event have been taking place in San Francisco. Now due Covid -19 dreamforce was held virtually. Now you must be thinking? Ah all the fun missed? We will suggest you think otherwise

Not everybody has the opportunity attend the salesforce dreamforce event. Some maybe running little tight of their financial budget while other may have not have the suitable circumstances to attend the event.

If you are someone who already knows how salesforce dreamforce works, then this blog will let you know about the changes that happened for this year’s event. For the ones, who doesn’t have clue, stay with us and till the end and witness an event that you have never seen.

Understanding dreamforce 2020

Imagine a place where all the most industrial giants gather together and gives you keynotes on how to improve your performance and skill in the tech industry.

Sounds like a dream come true right? Well technically it is. There is no other event like dreamforce 2020 where you will get to know other professionals around the world.

For instance, you might be salesforce developer in India, but in the event you meet with salesforce depeveloper from USA, a salesforce consultant from Australia, a salesforce admin from Denmark. Getting our point?

Dreamforce 2020 is a place where a diverse group of meet together and attend workshops and the new information that you get to know about the tech world is massive.  There so many people in online platform that have vouched for this.

Everyone has said that being attendee in the salesforce dreamforce 2020 and have taught them so much. The workshops have helped them to use the platform better, and sharing of ideas has helped them to upskill.

After reading this information you might so excited, that you already planning to buy a ticket and asking yourself when is dreamforce? Wait! Hold up! Look what we have said earlier. The event this year has taken place virtually. So you don’t have spent any money this year. You can enemy for your respective place of residence.

Kick starting the event

Earlier there was planning that the event will happen in October 2020, but got pushed to November.  So salesforce began the even on November 9, 2020. During this event as a new customer you would get to know that salesforce can provide a 360 degree customer satisfaction and why salesforce has been winning the best CRM for 8 consecutive years.

In this year, dreamforce 2020 event dates will be same as dreamforce 2019 dates. Till now, we have seen the top management Bentley motors and AT&T send viral keynotes. This action took place in December 2, 2020 at around 10 am.

At around 1 am the show stopper was the salesforce own CEO known as Marc Benioff.  The man was brilliant explaining why salesforce will be the articheture of every industry available.

Listening to him, have let us know the new tech innovations that are coming this year and how salesforce has managed to pull up so many satisfied customers

Now from the period from Nov 10 to Dec 18, there will be various presentations, where various artists and leaders and authors will be featured. They would talk about wide range of things other technology like heath, wealth and climate. Same things happened in dreamforce San Francisco in 2019.

The ending of the event will be spectacular this year. The final days which is from December 14 to December 18?  The top rated salesforce professionals will be all at one place and will speak about on how to make the platform better. In addition, the ending of dreamforce 2020 would be same as dreamforce 2019 concert which with part off with a musical event.

In case you are wondering about the pricing and registration will be same as dreamforce 2019 registration, then let us tell you that it’s free for all. All you need to do is register with dreamforce following this link: click here to register

Why should people be interested in dreamforce?

You should be interested because it will help you in ways that you possibly can’t think off. First of all have you will have a great learning experience, second you will connect with professionals that does that same business as you. In addition, you will get know how charioty works through this event.

You will be a part of community that is really dedicated in ending global hunger starvation, racial discrimination and poverty.  Third you will have the party of your life. Trust us. One of the best musicians is invited in a dream force event. In salesforce dreamforce 2019 Metallica, Alicia keys and Bruno mars have performed in the event

If you are salesforce employer, there is guarantee that your productivity will spike. People who have attended the dreamforce event have all said that have increased their productivity by 20 percent after the event.

Things to keep in mind for attending then event

Now we have already listed that dream force will be virtual this year. This definitely mens that you don’t have book flights tickets and pack your bags. Here you will need these four things that will be discussed below:

  • Plan an office room: Now if you’re in home then that means you are with your family. Having a quite atmosphere in family can be difficult, if you don’t have separate room. This is reason , why we tell you that all the distractions need to go out before you sit for the dreamforce event
  • Plan ahead: If the event happened physically, then you would have planned things several days before. So why can’t it be done when things are virtual. Plan your things ahead. If you have personal errands to run, then you do that, if you have some household chores to be completed then do that. While watching dreamforce you will witnessing some azzing sessions that will keep you engaged
  • Make sure your intent connection stable: if you have a bad interent then you will loose the expeince of dreamforce. Nobody likes watching videos that is buffering continuously. So make sure that your intrent connection is stable.
  • Your phone should have all the apps: Your phone should have all the salesforce apps like quip, twitter, salesfroce events that is available in twitter.
  • Presnstation: By presentation we mean that there are chances that you might need a personal conversation with a salesforce professional. in that case , please be in your best from. Don’t overdo yourself by wearing too casual or formal.
  • Food: The event is going to be long. so we don’t want you to miss some important update while your run to your fridge to get some food

How to do networeking

In order to do networking, you need do some following:

  • Go for 1:1 Personalised talk. One to one communication is a great way a person can learn. In groups , there are crtain things that you want to ask, but get scared since you are talking infront of large number of audience
  • Advance meetings: You need plan ahead if you want learn massive in dreasmfroce. Let’s say that that you want to talk someone from dreamforce event. He may never be available after this event. So make sure that you plan ahead and do these meetings.
  • Be ready 24/7: There is nothing as business ready, for increasing business and productivity you should always be at your top form. You might be surprised of the kind odd behavior you meet in dreanmforce event, so always be ready

See what we recommend is good planning.  If things are not properly organized, trust us, dreamforce can be a messy ride. In the event, you should always have fun. Make sure that you attaned sessions, talk to people, learn more and always upskill.

How dreamforce will help the salesforce developer

Okay salesforce developer uses two languages one is apex and one is known as the virtual force. When once salesforce developer meets with another salesforce developer, then they discuss of new coding languages or how applications can be made faster with lightning

In last year most of the salesforce developer discussed how the transformation from classic to lightning have helped salesforce developers. Earlier apps used to take months to be made, now the constant update of the lightning made application making in matter of minutes. So this year as a salesforce developer you copula be associated with information that would improve your skills as a developer

Parting tips

Hope the information provided by us has provided you with a complete guide to Dreamforce 2020. If you have been impressed of what is presented, make sure that you follow us for latest updates.







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What is workflow in Salesforce?

What is workflow in Salesforce?

The Workflow in Salesforce is not a small topic to cover rather it has gigantic proportions in Salesforce. In a simple sense, we can understand that workflow is one of the strategies that help in increasing the pace of the manual and reduce time while handling the intensive processes.

In an ideal manner, if your clients and customers are happy with your services and deliveries, then it is sure that you are successful in managing your Workflows in Salesforce.

You must be having some queries related to the management of workflows and how to handle the criteria and other actions. We aim to answer all your queries in the single guide where you will learn about Workflow in Salesforce, the associated benefits, and its implementation.

The following digital piece is going to cover-

  1. What is workflow in Salesforce?
  2. Rules and guidelines of workflow in Salesforce
  3. The distinct components of workflow in Salesforce
  4. The configuration of criteria of workflow Rule in Salesforce
  5. Parting tips
  6. FAQs


What is workflow in Salesforce?

Workflow is an indispensable segment under Salesforce that helps in building the guidelines and rules for the transformation into actions. These actions can sometimes be the Supplementary actions where the entire workflow revolves around. The major advantage is that the actions can be easily implemented with the aid of salesforce functions provided that the setup is correctly done.

You can enjoy several advantages that include efficiency and consumption of less time, etc. The workflow in Salesforce deals with the standard internal procedures and various intensive processes that help in reducing the wastage of time across your business forms. It often acts as a logical engine that helps in automating several actions that have a rigid base. If you are able to meet each and every criterion all the actions get successfully implemented. In case the criteria process fails down, there will be no execution of actions but the record will automatically get saved.


Rules and guidelines of workflow in Salesforce

The workflow rules in Salesforce suggest that there are some orders and functions automatically created by a user of salesforce that works in favor of performing the automated actions after the execution of certain conditions. It is addressed that these actions majorly happen instantaneously and, in some cases, they can be scheduled for operation after a fixed interval of time.

In Salesforce workflow, there are two terms workflow and workflow rules. Majorly, they are used interchangeably however, you should be clear that they are not similar. These workflow rules are the logical statements or conditions which are responsible for or the execution of automated actions.

The organizations and the stakeholders are busy confirming the tasks and their execution processes and these workflow rules support the sales team in the easy implementation. As soon as the conditions are properly met, the series of conditions and actions execute instantly or can be adjusted with the help of triggers to occur at a specific time. So, these are some dependent actions and immediate actions under the rules of the workflow.


The distinct components of workflow in Salesforce

You should be well versed in the various components of workflow in Salesforce that have many applications under automation of the actions. Broadly there are 2 components-

  1. Criteria– these statements are some specific conditions that are designed to perform or text a particular record. For instance, if you belong to a technical background, the action of this component is similar to the if statement in the if/then statement condition.
  2. Actions– these are the procedures that are implemented after the successful execution of a series of conditions meeting all the criteria. It is also similar to the then statement in the if/then statement condition.


As we have discussed that there are two kinds of actions embedded in workflow rules in Salesforce, their description is as follows.

  1. Immediate actions- the deal with the execution of the actions instantly after the creation of a record database.
  2. Time-dependent actions– these actions are often implemented after a fixed interval of time or on a specific date. After this particular time passes, the revaluation process of the records occurs in the workflow rules in Salesforce to ensure that every criterion is properly met. After the confirmation, the required actions are executed.

Also, there are some specific steps while dealing with the creation or editing of a record. They help in the execution of the workflow rules so as to evaluate the object based on particular criteria. So, there are two options-

  1. True- in this case, all the actions are implemented within the workflow rule.
  2. False- there is no execution of any kind of action but the process of saving the records gets completed.


The configuration of criteria of workflow Rule in Salesforce

Now we shall discuss the steps to configure the workflow Salesforce criteria. The very first step is to log in to the Salesforce account.

  1. A man you will be visible on the left side where you have to scroll down and find out press automation. Now you are asked to go through the workflow rules and click on the same.
  2. Make a click on the new rule for the creation of new rules of a workflow. You have to make a selection of an object from the dropdown menu and for example, you can make a selection of Lead as an arbitrary object.
  3. You have to proceed with the configuration of the workflow rules and for that, you have to feed some details related to the name of the rule and selecting the evaluation criteria.
  4. Selection of criteria is met from the drop-down menu. Now you can see the field section where you have to make the selection of the field criteria. You can explore any number of options available.
  5. Proceed with adding the workflow action from the drop-down and finally click on Done.
  6. Now you have to make the creation of an email alert and enter the details. These details include the description where you have to specify the subject of the email. Another box is the unique name that automatically appears in the same way the description box had appeared.
  7. Now proceed with creating the template of an email as per your choice or you can make a selection of the default options. For that, you can click on the magnifying icon provided by the side of the textbox. Also, you need to make the selection of the recipient for specifying the address to whom you have to send the email.
  8. After successfully entering the details you have to click on the Save button.
  9. After that click on done for saving the current process. For the successful activation of the workflow rules, you have to click on the Activate button. Make a click on the plus button and choose the name of the object that you have already created from the list.
  10. For the creation of a record click on the New button and specify all the required details. Terminate the process after clicking the Save button.
  11. You will receive a confirmation mail. Now the following steps will be executed as per the time-dependent workflow actions.
  12. You can add time Triggers by following the workflow rule page and make the necessary edits using the Edit option. Now you have to deactivate the rule and press the Edit button.
  13. The next step is to make a click on the Add Time Trigger button. Make a selection of the required number of days, months, etc. Finally, click on save for the execution of the workflow rule.
  14. You need to create the email alert in the same had created the previous time and finally, click on the Activate button for the successful creation of the workflow rule.


Parting tips

This digital peace has guided you in all the respects about the semantics of workforce in Salesforce, the rules and, the various tasks undertaken in a dynamic environment. Hope the explanation is conveyed in an understandable manner. In case you have queries, you can definitely fix the consultation with our Salesforce Consultant to proceed ahead with the process evenly.



  1. How to make the activation of workflow in Salesforce?

The first step is to activate the detail page of the rule of the workflow. Press the deactivate button for the prevention of the workflow rule from getting triggered. You can also proceed with editing the time-dependent enter the necessary details.

The deactivation process can be conducted at any time after following a deactivate rule. The rule comprises of the pending actions where the fair competition is arranged under sales force that continues till the time the record that triggers the workflow rules is not completely updated.

  1. What important things are to be kept in mind while maintaining the Workflow action and configuration in Salesforce?
  2. You have no right to delete the rule of the workflow in Salesforce which is arranged in the queue and has some pending actions.
  3. The time depends flow actions cannot be added for the activation of the workflow rules. You need to first deactivate the rule and proceed with adding the time-dependent which can come into the role only after the reactivation process.
  4. In spite of using workflow rules in Salesforce, you can use the process builder for automating the if/then statements.
  5. The multiple numbers of rules can also be associated with pending or existing actions.


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Top 7 Salesforce Acquisitions of All-Time

Top 7 Salesforce Acquisitions of All-Time

By the time you are done reading this article; salesforce has already acquired some new company. The Salesforce ecosystem cannot be stopped; it seems it is growing every day. In this digital piece, you will get to know about the top 7 salesforce acquisitions that it has carried out to date. Here you will get to learn:

  1. Top 7 salesforce acquisitions
  2. Changes in salesforce after salesforce acquisitions
  3. Why people are only talking of slack acquisitions
  4. Most asked questions after salesforce acquisitions
  5. Parting tips
  6. Tableau

Reason for its purchase: Salesforce always tries to buy the best in the industry. Who beats tableau in terms of analytics? No one. Though Salesforce has its own analytics system called salesforce Einstein, still they acquired tableau. This kind of purchase raised eyebrows in the technology industry. People could understand why a competitor would make this move.

According to us, salesforce purchase tableau at $15.7 billion because it wanted to fulfil its vision by having 360-degree control. Salesforce 360 custom vision is an idea where a customer would get a full overview of its cycle, indicating that a customer would only need salesforce to fulfil all their needs. They need not go to different companies for different requirements.

  1. Demandware

Reason for purchase: We all know salesforce is unbeatable when it comes to businesses business marketing, but what about the business to customer marketing? This is the aspect where salesforce lacked. With the help of Demandware, it combined e-commerce marketing with front end operations.

See Demandware already served enterprises worth millions. Since the customer associated with the company always got the best, and there was no decline in what customers expected. Salesforce bought Dreamware and applied the 1:1 marketing rule, and made Demandware follow the same vision.

So now customers of Demandware will get associated with salesforce and get the best-engineered products that have not been witnessed elsewhere. Demandware was brought at $2.8b

  1. Mulesoft

Reason for purchase: This move struck the technical industry like lightning. The reason? As Demandware was already brought for an improved customer experience, why was Mulesoft double the amount? Practically both of the companies have to provide the same thing.

According to us, this was a great move by salesforce. See Mulesoft dominated the on-premise legacy systems. That means IT infrastructure that was not based on the cloud was controlled by Mulesoft

Companies in the older versions of information technology always went to Mulesoft for their issues and services. Salesforce wanted nothing to stand between them. Hence this move was made. Now the customers of the legacy system would get converted to cloud technology with salesforce.

  1. Slack

Reason for purchase: See slack was a business tool that lets your work from anywhere in the world. With the coming of the pandemic, salesforce rivals got on to the same move by allowing people to work from home.

This is the reason why salesforce did not waste time in purchasing slack. With slack in the team, salesforce made work from home a seamless experience. Salesforce acquires slack at $27.7 billion.

  1. Exact target

Reason for purchase: If you have followed the above information closely, you have already witnessed how salesforce made a smart move to capture the service and sales. Now it was time when salesforce moved pre-sales direction. This is where the precise target comes into the scenario.

The exact target was operating in the industry for the last 13 years, so naturally, it had a large base of customers. In addition, salesforce was looking for a company that would act like a shield in the marketing domain. The precise target seemed to be the perfect fit.

Realize this; the precise target was a company that had already acquired Pardot six months back. So the same target was perfect that could combine both businesses to business marketing and business to customer marketing. So salesforce brought the target at the price of 2.5 B, and we think it was a well-planned move

  1. Krux

Reason for purchase: In 2016, most of the online media reported that programmed digital advertising would grow massively over the coming years. This means digital advertising would be the future. When October approached, salesforce bought the company for $800 million. This would help salesforce to create smart campaigns that would bring in more customers

  1. Click

Reason for purchase: Click masters in real-time interaction. Also, it was one of the masters in developing the salesforce lightning component. The question with this salesforce acquisition was not why? But when? With the help of click, salesforce continuous in their lightning framework. Salesforce has just updated its scheduling feature in their lightning architecture, which means click is already improving the salesforce ecosystem.


Some salesforce acquisition that needs your attention other than these 7

In this section, we are going to talk about two major salesforce acquisitions other than the salesforce acquisition list that is presented above. This is because the article would have been completed without these two. We are talking about salesforce subsidiaries called buddy media and quip

Salesforce knows that every people are not welcoming to change. So they required a company that would combine the old age technology with the modern-day rule.

People need to be enlightened and then made aware of how new-age technology could improve business. Once they get to know these, they would happily change into a new platform. Quick is a company that would make that happen. Hence salesforce opted for this collaboration

The next salesforce acquisition that we are going to talk about is that of buddy media. This is a social media company that brings business to customers by marketing over digital media channels. This is the reason salesforce wanted to purchase the best in the industry by collaborating with them. Buddy Media was bought for $649 million.

So from the above information, we have let you know about the top 7 salesforce acquisitions carried out with the company. It could be concluded that salesforce identified all the gaps that it lacked and filled with the best in the market


Changes after salesforce acquisitions

In this section of this article, you would know how to perform salesforce login. With the coming of all these salesforce acquisitions, it is evident that salesforce login would no longer stay similar, so it’s very important to let you know about these

It is has been notified by salesforce users that the new login page of marketing would look very similar to the traditional log-in page. Okay, dot worry, all your credentials of the marketing cloud will stay the same, so please breathe a sigh of relief.

Earlier, when you used to forget your password, you required to contact a marketing cloud administrator to resolve the problem. Now you can easily reset your password with a forget password link. So if you are someone who is thinking that I need to change some login credentials, then the answer is a resounding no.

The only change you are going to witness is in security codes. When you connect with forgot your password link email, it’s evident that a user can make mistakes in entering the security code.

Only after ten wrong codes, salesforce will hold your account. A request needs to be made with the marketing administrator. In addition, there may be times when you forget the security questions that you have answered. No need to worry, you just need to get in touch with the marketing cloud administrator, and you would be given a new temporary password to work with

After analyzing all the salesforce acquisitions over the years, a leading research company called Gartner provided some interesting announcements in the favour of the platform.

  1. Salesforce has been given the award for the best CRM 8 times in a row
  2. Salesforce plans to purchase velocity, and the deal will be made final by June
  3. Salesforce has implemented work from home program in order to protect the health of its employees
  4. The front line workers have received great help from salesforce, and 50 million protective kits were delivered to them
  5. Log in time of salesforce customer reached 5 million hours
  6. In order to meet the growing hurdles in the in offices, salesforce launched


Why so many people are only talking about the slack acquisition.

Everyone is stating that salesforce and slack as a couple of the IT world.  According to the recent reports, it has been found that 23 million users use Slack as their daily driver and the number of business that uses slack is 142,000.  Remember chatter did not work with salesforce, so basically, the CEO wanted to give it another try with slack. We believe slack is nothing but chatter 2.0 that salesforce always dreamed of.



  1. Why was salesforce so determined to buy tableau?

Salesforce is a company that always believed in smarter decision making. This is the reason they were so determined to buy tableau. Now with Tableau in their team, it’s now predicted that salesforce would get hold of more customer insights that take their functionality to new heights

  1. Till now can you name how many total salesforce acquisitions have been made?

Till now, the salesforce acquisition count comes to 60.

  1. Is salesforce fully determined to purchase velocity or it’s just a rumor?

Salesforce has full intention to buy velocity. This is because salesforce management has confirmed it.

  1. Who is the owner of the Salesforce ecosystem?

The owner of the salesforce ecosystem is Marc Benioff. This man is worth 8 million dollars currently

  1. Is there a competition for salesforce?

The answer is a resounding yes. There are three rival competitors of the salesforce in the current scenario and they are adobe, Sap, and oracle

  1. What is the programming language that salesforce uses?

There are two programming languages that salesforce uses. One is called the apex and the other is called the visual force. Apex is like working on a javascript, while visual force is a language where you are given the provision to create your own code. The working model of HTML bears resemblance to HTML

  1. Are there more than a million customers for salesforce?

Nope. The customer count or salesforce at present is 150,000+

  1. Why is salesforce always in trend?

This is due to two things one is a constant update and the other is features. The platform changes every day, so every day a salesforce professional gets to learn something new.  Salesforce has some features that no other CRM provides like collaboration tools, tracking opportunities, and mobile app feature

  1. Which one is salesforce Pass or SaaS?

Salesforce can be called pass or better known as “platform as service”. This is because a customer van with no technical background can create palliation in a matter of minutes and by taking the advantage of the cloud.

  1. How is hyperforce related to salesforce?

Salesforce has recently launched a new technology called the hyper force. Here you would have the provision to store data anywhere in the country and then use it from anywhere in the world

For example, you are an operator in India and you choose to store your data in a specific region. Now you are on vacation but you need your data to send immediately. With the help of hyperforce you can do that.  This shows that hyperforce is scalable

Now salesforce claims that hyper force would the one of the most reliable clouds.  This is because it has a structure of security that has not been witnessed anywhere else

This tells us, that with hyper force security is always first priority.  When you have your data protected then you can focus on more important things like innovation and customer retention.


Parting tips

Hope this information that is made available has informed you a lot on salesforce and how salesforce acquisitions changed the history of the IT industry. Further, this digital piece addresses FAQ and hyper force so that you can keep updated with the salesforce ecosystem, too. If you liked what was presented here, please follow us for the latest salesforce updates.

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What Is Salesforce Metadata?

What Is Salesforce Metadata?

Salesforce is a pretty vast platform that involves several features and tools for performing specific processes. Almost every Salesforce process revolves around creating, recording, tracking, and assessing valuable information in some form or the other.

Among these pieces of information, Salesforce metadata assumes a key position and helps users in carrying out different business processes in a quick, efficient, and automated manner.

So, what is Salesforce metadata?


What Is Salesforce Metadata?

Salesforce metadata is an essential element of the Salesforce architecture. It involves different fields, code, configurations, logic, and page layouts used for building the key information architecture of your Salesforce org, making your Salesforce instance look the way it does.

There are three major ways in which metadata can be used in Salesforce Apex for carrying out the required processes – importing the metadata into Salesforce, manipulating the metadata with the help of Salesforce metadata API, or modifying the same in the product interface.


Types Of Salesforce Metadata

Based on the purpose they solve and the manner in which they help you customize a function in Salesforce, Salesforce metadata can be divided into different types.

Three of the most common categories in which you can put such metadata include:



This is the most fundamental and important aspect of Salesforce. Almost every business process is carried out in your Salesforce instance with the help of different data sets and structures.

These sets store specific information about your organization in general, your team in specific, your customers, your partners, or any entity connected to your business organization.

It is the data structures on which most customizations are built, tested, and deployed. Common examples of the same include Custom Salesforce Object s, Value Sets, Custom Applications, etc.


This refers to the custom code built on top of the CRM platform for developing applications, carrying out integrations, or performing different processes as per the org’s needs. Common examples of metadata falling under this category include Apex Classes, Apex Triggers, and Apex Page.

An Apex class is a template used by developers for creating Apex objects. Further, Apex Classes often include other classes, variables, user-defined methods, static initialization code, and exception types.

Apex Triggers are the metadata types that allow Salesforce users to perform customized actions to the records before or after specific events. You can define Triggers for key standard objects like Accounts and Contacts and custom objects.

An Apex page is any standard Visualforce page created using the required data and metadata from the org. All such pages should be wrapped within a single page component tag.


The metadata types falling under this category are concerned with the way in which users interact with the CRM platform. Common examples of these Salesforce metadata types include reports, dashboards, components, page layouts, etc.


What Is The Need For Salesforce Metadata?

Gone are the days when businesses used to operate on hard-coded applications for performing different processes. We have successfully entered the age of digitization where people are used to working on flexible apps that can be easily customized.

Also, the need for personalization is considerably high in recent times and it does not seem to slow down any time soon. Developers can no longer build an app that can be used by most business organizations.

Businesses require applications whose functionality can be altered according to their specific needs and metadata allows them to do so in a seamless manner.

Salesforce metadata allows you to create a Salesforce application tailored according to your preferences without the need for complicated and high-level programming.

It is Salesforce metadata that makes Salesforce a dynamic platform and more than a mere database of valuable information. You need it now more than ever to be in sync with the technological advancements and developing wholesome applications.


The Difference Between Data And Metadata

One of the most common mistakes committed by new programmers is getting confused between data and metadata.

Although both the entities have a lot in common, there are certain very clear differences between the two that are important for every software user and developer to understand.

Data can be defined as a collection of specific information such as facts, observations, measurements, or descriptions of specific entities. Data sets help you in finding patterns, keeping a track of them, and discovering trends pertaining to the information provided to you by the said data.

On the other hand, metadata simply refers to the details pertaining to different data sets. This is why metadata is often called “data on data”. Here, you take a specific data set and get into its depth, talking about aspects like file type, origin, date, etc.

This is where the key difference lies between data and metadata. If you are provided with a set of information giving you a precise measurement, description, or observable facts, you are dealing with data.

However, if you are provided with further information on the content mentioned above, you are dealing with metadata.

One final aspect to consider about the difference between data and metadata is the fact that while all data may or may not always be informative, metadata is always informative for the purpose it serves.


Why Is Salesforce Metadata Backup Important?

Salesforce users often make the mistake of assuming that metadata is not as important as data, making them be less and less alert about metadata safety and backup.

However, it is important to understand that it is the metadata that builds your Salesforce architecture and makes it more than a mere collection of data. It helps you control the behavior of your Salesforce environment and perform a range of processes effectively.

Backing up metadata holds special importance for any Salesforce user. Here are the three key reasons why Salesforce metadata backup is important:

  1. Keeping Your Customizations Safe

Salesforce is a highly customizable platform. Several customizations are made on a regular basis by adding or removing Salesforce metadata according to the specific needs of the organization.

If you lose your metadata, rebuilding the same can be a highly complicated and costly process, especially if your Salesforce org has become bigger with more complex processes. Keeping a backup helps you in retrieving all metadata whenever required.

  1. Safeguarding Data Relationships

Keeping relationships between your Salesforce objects intact can be difficult if you have not backed up your Salesforce metadata. For example, if any of your objects is corrupted or lost, you will not have any replacement for the same.

This is why it is important to back up object metadata just the way you back up all your object data.

  1. Reduce The Implications Of Data Loss Or Error

Although Salesforce is a highly secure platform, you should always be prepared for situations the data and metadata within your database get corrupted or lost.

In such situations, having a metadata backup helps you in recovering your database faster and better. On the other hand, not having any backup is likely to make you lose all your data, making the recovering process tedious.


Things To Consider While Backing Up Your Salesforce Metadata

It is important for every Salesforce users to take these aspects into consideration while backing up their Salesforce metadata:

  1. Weekly Export

Always remember that Salesforce Data Export is limited to backing up all your data files on a weekly or a monthly basis. It does not generate a backup for your metadata. For generating metadata backup, you will need to make use of weekly export to export all your metadata to a reliable backup source.

  1. Export Using Salesforce APIs

Salesforce users can create their own metadata backup solution with the help of Salesforce APIs. However, you need to make sure that the export scripts are in sync with the API changes.

  1. Package Manager

You can resort to the manual process of backing up your metadata by creating an unmanaged package on Salesforce. However, this is not always a preferred way of generating Salesforce metadata backup.

Not all unmanaged packages support all metadata types. Also, you will need to create a new package version on a regular basis because of the constant changes in your metadata.

Custom Metadata

Custom metadata is a unique type of Salesforce application metadata that can be customized, deployed, packaged, and upgraded according to the needs of your organization.

Custom metadata types are used for the following key purposes:

  • Creating connections between different Salesforce objects by appropriate object mapping
  • Combining configuration records with custom functionality by using Apex code
  • Creating and managing lists for better use of database
  • Storing important information like API keys within your protected custom metadata types in a package

The scope of Salesforce metadata is vast and often overlooked by Salesforce users. No matter what your designation is, it is important to understand the difference between data and metadata.

Your metadata holds valuable information pertaining to your Salesforce org and helps you carry out a variety of business processes on a daily basis. It should, therefore, be managed with precision.

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What Is An Opportunity In Salesforce?

What Is An Opportunity In Salesforce?

Handling customers is never an easy task for a business. Right from reaching out to the prospects and encouraging them to engage with the business to making a sale and following up with the same, CRM activities can get really tedious and complicated.

This is where CRM platforms like Salesforce jump in as saviors, helping businesses pertaining to all scales and industries in handling their customer database in an automated, effective, and faster manner.

Salesforce allows you to keep a thorough record of the smallest details pertaining to your active, potential, and past customers. You can choose from multiple editions and platforms based on Salesforce pricing and the needs of your organization.

Salesforce helps you in handling the entire journey of your customers – from acquisition to final follow-up. During this journey, Salesforce objects play an important role in tending to your customers and keeping a track of every deal you strike.


What Is A Salesforce Object?

Salesforce objects are nothing but tablets of information that store data pertaining to a specific aspect of your database. Every Salesforce object has a record of information pertaining to a fixed group of people, businesses, or activities performed by your team.

There are two major types of Salesforce objects – standard objects and custom objects. Standard Salesforce objects are already built within your Salesforce instance as you get it implemented.

On the other hand, custom objects can be created by users based on their specific needs for being added to their database.

Some of the common standard Salesforce objects include leads, contacts, cases, accounts, opportunities, and many more.

Here, we are going to discuss opportunities in Salesforce in detail.

So, what is a Salesforce opportunity?


What Is A Salesforce Opportunity?

In simple words, a Salesforce opportunity refers to a deal that is still ongoing. This often refers to the stage where a prospect is approached and they have shown interest in engaging with your business. However, they are yet to fully engage with you and the deal is not yet closed.

This is precisely why this Salesforce object is called “opportunity”. It contains all the deals that provide you with the opportunity of earning a customer/client which can go either way.

There is always an element of uncertainty when it comes to Salesforce opportunity, which makes it important for a user to manage the object regularly and precisely.

By monitoring your opportunities, you can keep a track of all your deals that are ongoing and take necessary steps to ensure that the maximum amount of deals close successfully.


The Importance Of Salesforce Opportunities

Salesforce opportunities provide you with all necessary details about an active deal at one place, including the estimated closing date, name of the potential customer, date of acquisition, activities performed, amount to be paid, and many more.

Also, Salesforce allows you to highlight specific changes in your opportunities to let your team members know about the same. You can make use of different colors and arrows in the opportunities list view to denote changes in the amount, estimated date of closing, and other important details.


Tips For Handling Salesforce Opportunities

A Salesforce opportunity is an important stepping stone that leads you to a client and helps you convert a prospect into a customer. It is important for every user to do their best to utilize every opportunity and prepare for closing more deals.

Here are some of the most basic tips to keep in mind as you move closer towards making your proposal to the prospect and going ahead with your deal:

  • Add products to your catalog for reference
  • Add contracts, datasheets, and other relevant documents
  • Log all the calls you make pertaining to a specific opportunity to keep a track of the same
  • Use the feature of Notes to keep a note of everything important said and heard during a client meeting
  • Create different tasks for yourself and your team for servicing the prospects and getting them to close a deal
  • Create calendar events for making your work more organized
  • Send emails to your prospects (or the person capable of closing your deals) for all the opportunities generated
  • Keep a track of all the emails and follow-ups sent and the responses received


How To Create A Salesforce Opportunity?

You can create a Salesforce opportunity by following these simple steps:

  1. Log into your Salesforce account
  2. Go to the Opportunity tab and click on “opportunities”
  3. Enter the necessary fields, including the name of the opportunity, close date, stage, and other relevant fields
  4. Click on Save to save the details
  5. You will now be directed to a different page to review the opportunity you created
  6. Review the opportunity you created and edit the same if you feel the need to do so


Important Considerations For Creating And Updating Salesforce Opportunities

Here are some of the most important aspects a user should consider while creating or updating a Salesforce opportunity:


Contact and Contact Roles

It is important for a user to have Read access to the concerned Salesforce account or contact for relating an opportunity to the same.



If a Salesforce Admin has enabled divisions, the division of a Salesforce opportunity is set to the division of the related account.



In all Salesforce editions (except Salesforce Essentials), the opportunities that you create are given a forecast category corresponding to the opportunity stage defined by you while creating it.

If an opportunity is supposed to close in a specific period as mentioned by you in the Close Date field, the opportunity is added to the forecast of that period.


Editing On Mobile

If you are using the Salesforce mobile app, you are allowed to edit only one opportunity at a time.


Multiple Currencies

If a Salesforce Admin has enabled the option of multiple currencies, the users will be able to see the opportunity amounts initially in their personal currency.


Territory Management

If your Salesforce Admin has enabled the feature of original territory management, the opportunities you create are automatically assigned to a territory where the following conditions are met:

  • You belong to the same territory as the account on the opportunity or have edit privileges on the same.
  • You have no other territories in common with the account on the opportunity.


Considerations For Sharing A Salesforce Opportunity

If you are sharing a Salesforce opportunity, you are allowing one or more users to have a look into your sales pipeline and access to the concerned opportunity.

You can share an opportunity if you feel a specific user(s) is helpful for closing the concerned deal.

Here are a few important aspects to consider while sharing an opportunity:


The Sharing Model

Always remember that your Salesforce Admin holds the power to determine the default access levels across your Salesforce org (including the opportunity access levels for territories).


Access Limitations

You can always increase the access you provide to users to the opportunities created by you. However, you cannot restrict access beyond the limit set by your Salesforce Admin.


Sharing Details Page

The Sharing Details page contains the list of users, roles, groups, and territories having access to the concerned Salesforce opportunity.


Considerations For Cloning Salesforce Opportunities

Here are a few major considerations to keep in mind if you are willing to clone Salesforce opportunities for having different users work on the same:


Restricted Fields

If a specific record in the opportunity you are willing to clone has a field you do not have access to, the field in the cloned record will be blank.


Fields With Read-only Access

If the record you are willing to clone contains a field to which you have read-only access, the field in the record of the clone will be blank.

However, if you have read-only access to a related record of the opportunity, the record of the clone will have the original field value.


Custom Fields With Unique Values

If a related record in the opportunity contains a custom field that is configured to contain a unique value, you will need to delete the value before you clone the opportunity.


Related Records Limit

Always make sure that the total of the related contact role, product, and product schedule records should not cross 999.


Validation Rules, Apex Triggers, and Workflow

All related records in an opportunity are clones in batches of not more than 200. The validation rules, Apex triggers, and workflow are applied separately to every batch when an opportunity is cloned.

For example, if you are planning to clone an opportunity having 500 related records, the process occurs in three different batches with the above-mentioned rules being applied to every batch.

Salesforce opportunities are the indicators of the chances you stand of converting your prospects and closing your deals. Ultimately, it is in the hands of your sales reps to service every opportunity well and get the prospects to engage with your business to get the desired results.

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Salesforce Premier Support Success Plans

Salesforce Premier Support Success Plans

Salesforce makes special considerations for its users when it comes to providing them with complete support and assistance. Salesforce support is widely known for its efficiency and tactfulness as the company is bent on improving the overall user experience.

Every Salesforce user gets the basic Salesforce support that helps them get their issues resolved and carry on with their work smoothly. However, if you are in need of additional and specialized assistance, you can avail of Salesforce Premier Support.


What Is Salesforce Premier Support?

Salesforce Premier Support or Salesforce Premier Success Support is specialized assistance provided by Salesforce to its users. It takes the basic Salesforce support a notch higher, making sure that all problems faced by the users are solved in a personalized manner.

The Premier Success Plans are developed for users who require extra and more specific help from the Salesforce experts in operating the CRM platform and carrying out distinct processes.

With Premier Support, you can improve the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of your work as you have certified Salesforce professionals and experts backing you every step of the way.

Such exclusive Salesforce support includes one-on-one mentoring sessions, round the clock assistance, and tips provided by the best in the industry. It is really hard to go wrong with a virtual support system as strong as this.


Driving User Adoption

Getting everyone in your team to switch to Salesforce is often one of the toughest and most important aspects of Salesforce implementation. Systematic user adoption is a must if you are looking at a long run of Salesforce within your organization.

For effective user adoption, you can choose from a variety of Salesforce support options where your team gets end-to-end guidance on carrying our different processes and understanding the different aspects of the rather complicated CRM platform.


Reliable Technical Support

Salesforce Premier Support allows you to have access to technical mentoring sessions by the experts where all your “How to” questions can be answered.

Whether you are looking for troubleshooting a code, managing your database, or solving any technical hiccups that come with Salesforce implementation, the Premier Support Plans help you in getting past every hurdle.


Boost Your Productivity

You will be able to achieve all your goals and reach all your targets only when your entire team is working at its full potential. On availing of the Salesforce Premier Success Plans, you can prepare your team the way you want to.

Salesforce support makes sure that your progress never slows down and you are not stuck at a point for too long. If you find yourself in a fix, you can seek quick and reliable assistance from the Salesforce experts and get going without any hassle.

As the experts help you in making the best use of the platform and use all its tools and features in an optimum manner. With such support, you can maximize your ROI and reach out to your customers/clients in the best way possible.


Admin Assist

As the name suggests, Admin Assist is an add-on to Salesforce Premier Support for helping the Salesforce Admins do their work efficiently.

Through Admin Assist, you can get wholesome assistance by experienced and Salesforce-certified Administrators who are well–versed with all the tricks of the trade.

Some of the processes made easier by this option add on include:

  • Building workflows
  • Developing reports and dashboards
  • Setting up and/or customizing roles and profiles
  • Setting duplicate management rules
  • Managing (importing/updating/deleting) Salesforce data
  • Creating custom formula fields


Success Guidance

Sales Premier Support comes with a plethora of advice and guidance pertaining to specific aspects of the CRM platform to help the users make the most of it.

The automated and optimized system of Salesforce support allows you to connect with the right expert at the right time. No matter what your problem is, you can rest assured that your case will be directed to the best in the concerned field of expertise.


Developer Support

As the name suggests, Developer Support is built for assisting the Salesforce Developers in carrying out the technical processes in a seamless manner.

Here, the experts and certified developers help you in troubleshooting, analyzing, and debugging pertaining to:

  • API Integrations,
  • Apex,
  • AMPscript, and
  • Visualforce code


Get Coached With Premier Accelerators

If you are willing to be mentored by the best in the industry, you can opt for Premier Accelerators, a very important part of Premier Success Plans.

Accelerators are specialized and exclusive coaching resources that are designed for helping you understand the basic and advanced aspects of Salesforce.

No matter which Salesforce Cloud you want help with, you can choose accelerators for that specific Cloud and go ahead with the mentoring sessions with the masters.

There are three major ways in which you can make use of this feature and obtain valuable knowledge pertaining to Salesforce – Accelerator Webinars, On-demand Videos, and One-to-one Sessions.


Accelerator Webinars

Based on the area you want to master and the topic you want to learn, you can opt for live or on-demand Accelerator Webinars. Here, Salesforce experts conduct a session on the topic of your choice that helps you in using the platform better.


On-demand Videos

This is as good as watching YouTube videos created by Salesforce professionals. You can demand hour-long videos that can be watched as per your convenience and speed, making learning more flexible.


One-to-one Sessions

These are the sessions you can have with the experts where you can interact with the experts directly. Here, the professionals help you in real-time and guide you in solving problems, minimizing errors, and employing the right tools in the right direction.


Major Topics Covered In Premier Accelerators


Salesforce Sales Cloud

  • Campaign Management
  • Admin Fast Start
  • Sales Cloud Einstein
  • How To Manage Leads
  • How To Manage Opportunities
  • Console Design
  • How To Set Up Gmail Integration
  • Designing Reports And Dashboards
  • Setting Up myTrailhead
  • How To Prevent Duplicate Records
  • How To Get The Most Out Of Forecasting
  • Setting Up Path In Lightning


Salesforce Service Cloud

  • Chat For Lightning
  • Agent Productivity Features
  • Digital Engagement
  • Dashboard Design
  • Dashboard Fast Start
  • How To Automate Case Management
  • How To Deploy Chat
  • How To Automate Work Distribution With Omni-channel
  • Lightning Transition Readiness


Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  • Advertising Studio
  • Admin + Deliverability
  • Email Studio
  • Building, Testing, And Sending Emails
  • Journey Builder
  • How To Automate Data Imports
  • How To Use Einstein Engagement Scoring
  • How To Use Marketing Cloud Connect
  • Email Reporting And Tracking


Salesforce Commerce Cloud (B2B and B2C)

  • On-site Research (B2C)
  • Products And Catalogs (B2C)
  • Einstein Product Recommendations (B2C)
  • Metrics And Analysis (B2C)
  • Multi-factor Authentication (B2C)
  • Search Engine Optimization (B2C)
  • Sorting Rules (B2C)
  • How To Organize Teams (B2B)
  • Feature Adoption Checklist (B2C)
  • Page Designer (B2C)


Salesforce Pardot

  • Google Organic Basics
  • Switching To Pardot Lightning App
  • New Admin Onboarding
  • B2B Marketing Analytics
  • Reporting
  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • Preparing For Implementation
  • Email Marketing Strategy
  • How To Use Automation Tools
  • How To Use Forms And Automation Tools
  • How To Use Salesforce Engage
  • How To Send List Emails
  • How To use Salesforce Campaigns
  • Database Hygiene Assessment
  • Optimize Your Pardot And Salesforce Integration


Salesforce Communities

  • Lightning Customer Community Fast Start
  • Lightning Partner Community Fast Start
  • How To Build Your Lightning Customer Community
  • How To Create A Public Knowledge Base
  • How To build Your Lightning Partner Community
  • How To Plan Your Chatter Adoption


Einstein Analytics

  • Event Monitoring
  • Einstein Discovery
  • Einstein Prediction Builder
  • Sales Analytics: Fast Start
  • Service Analytics: Fast Start
  • How To Load Data
  • Einstein Analytics: Health Check


Salesforce Premier Support Cost

The Salesforce Premier Support cost you need to pay depends on your specific requirements. Broadly, there are distinct editions that you can choose from – Standard, Premier, and Premier Plus


Standard (Included In All Licenses)

This is the most basic edition of Salesforce support and is available with every license you purchase. With this edition, you get specific assistance by learning the required concepts on Trailhead and Salesforce Community.


Premier (20% Of Net License Cost)

Along with all the features of the Standard edition, the Premier edition provides you with different Accelerators, exclusive phone support, developer support, and Success Guidance by Salesforce experts.


Premier Plus (30% Of Net License Cost)

This is the most advanced version of Salesforce Premier Support and provides you with Admin Assist (as discussed above) along with all the features provided by the preceding editions.

People often believe that learning and operating Salesforce is extremely difficult. That is not always the case. Taking one thing at a time, you can master the CRM platform with precision. At the end of the day, it is all a matter of finding the right support system.

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Salesforce API Developer Guide

Salesforce API Developer Guide

One of the biggest and most commonly used features of Salesforce is that it is effectively integrated with a variety of applications.


The Prominence Of Salesforce Integrations

Salesforce integrations have gained immense importance over the last few years. It provides users with a centralized platform with unified data that can be used for performing specific activities.

The primary purpose of any integration is to provide a blend of features provided by Salesforce and the concerned third-party platform. It allows users to work seamlessly without having to change platforms for carrying out different processes.

Salesforce has always been integrating with applications and other relevant platforms that complement the tools and features of the CRM platform. It not only makes the job of users easier and faster but also leverages the overall functionality of Salesforce.

All data integrations have specific science behind them, involving the effective sharing of data between the platforms getting integrated. This is where Salesforce API comes into the picture.


What Is Salesforce API?

API stands for “Application Program Interface.” In simple words, API is a computing interface that allows an application (or the code in an application) to access data of the platform it is integrating with.

When a Salesforce Developer integrates the CRM platform with a third-party application, Salesforce API allows the said application to access Salesforce data and use the same in carrying out the integration.

Salesforce APIs play an important role in making users work on a unified platform and utilize data from both the platforms on a single entity, resulting in ease of operations and increased efficiency.

It is easy to understand the role of Salesforce API as a door to allow the flow of data from Salesforce to the integrated platform. Also, if you are using applications like Dataloadeer for data migration and management, they take data from your Salesforce org with the help of the API.


How To Enable API Access On Salesforce?

For an application to extract data from your Salesforce instance, you need to enable API access on your Salesforce, which can be done in two major ways – by Profile and by Permission Set.

It is important to note that these processes are at the disposal of a Salesforce Admin unless they give permission to anyone for doing the same.


Enabling API Access On Salesforce By Profile

If you want to enable Salesforce API access within your Salesforce org by Profile, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Setup
  2. Click on the option of “Manage Users”
  3. Click on “Profiles” on the dropdown menu
  4. Select the Profile you want to update and click on “Edit”
  5. Go to Administrative Permissions and check the box of “API Enabled”
  6. Click on Save to complete the process


Enabling API Access On Salesforce By Permission Set

If you want to enable Salesforce API access within your Salesforce org by Permission Set, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Setup
  2. Click on the option of “Manage Users”
  3. Click on “Permission Sets” on the dropdown menu
  4. Select the Permission Set that you want to update
  5. Go to System followed by clicking on “System Permissions”
  6. Click on Edit
  7. Check the box that reads “API Enabled”
  8. Click on Save to complete the process


Types Of Salesforce APIs

Depending on the functions performed and purposes solved, there are different APIs used by a Salesforce Developer commonly.



SOAP stands for “Simple Object Access Protocol.” It is a fairly old protocol that is still very relevant and actively used by organizations to exchange messages between different platforms.

SOAP has a standardized protocol structure that uses XML and HTTP for sending data across platforms. Before Salesforce made Apex available to the users, Salesforce SOAP API was commonly used for integrating Salesforce with multiple platforms.


When To Use SOAP API?

SOAP API is commonly used for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting records within your Salesforce database. It can also be used for making searches in any language that supports web services.



REST stands for “Representational State Transfer”. It is a relatively simpler and more dynamic API as compared to SOAP. Salesforce REST API does not need you to create WSDL files for connecting the client with the provider.

However, this can also be considered as a shortcoming as not generating WSDL files will result in the developer needing to generate the “plumbing” code by themselves.


When To Use REST API?

Owing to the easer and efficiency of operation, Salesforce REST API can ideally be used for mobile apps and web projects.

Different REST APIs can be used for carrying out different processes. User Interface API should be used for building UI to create, update, read, and delete specific records. Chatter REST API can be used for building the UI for Chatter, recommendations, and communities.


MetaData API

As the name suggests, this is the Salesforce API that is used for updating metadata. It is generally used for Visualforce pages, Apex classes, and Apex triggers. Metadata API is a fairly old API used for Salesforce and is based on SOAP.


When To Use Metadata API?

Metadata API can be used if you are willing to retrieve, delete, update, deploy, or create customizations for your Salesforce org. They are most widely used for the purpose of transferring data from a Sandbox or test environment to the main production environment.

The best way of using MetaData API is through Salesforce extensions for Ant Migration Tool or Visual Studio Code. These tools are built on top of the API and make use of standard tools for simplified working.

The Salesforce extensions for Visual Studio Code facilitate development on the Salesforce platform in the VS Code Editor. The tools used by this extension are ideal for working with development orgs, Aura components, Apex, and Visualforce.

However, if you use a script or a command line for the movement of MetaData between a local directory and your Salesforce org, it is advisable to use the Ant Migration tool.


Tooling API

Tooling API offers the endpoints of both REST and SOAP API. It was developed for the purpose of software development, making the maintenance and deployment of software platforms easier. This API is widely used by The Developer Console and the IDE.


When To Use Tooling API?

You can use Tooling API for integrating Salesforce MetaData with third-party platforms or systems. You can also use the Salesforce API for building custom development tools for applications, set checkpoints or heap dump markers, access login and code coverage information, and execute anonymous Apex.


Streaming API

Streaming API is used for improving the overall performance of the concerned platform and minimizing the API limitations on the same. It involves sending messages to a specific topic which can be listened to by your code pertaining to data changes.


When To Use Streaming API?

You can use Streaming API if you want to receive near real-time data streams pertaining to changes in the Salesforce records or custom payloads.

For changes in Salesforce records, Salesforce will publish notifications when the concerned changes are made. You can publish event messages for sending custom notifications. Also, clients can subscribe to specific events using Apex triggers or Process Builder and Flow Builder.


Bulk API

As the name suggests, Bulk API is used for transferring large volumes of data in a single batch across different platforms. Being a REST API, Bulk API facilitates asynchronous processing of records in different batches.


When To Use Bulk API

You can use Bulk API to query, queryAll, upsert, insert, update, or delete large sets of records in an asynchronous many in different batches. The simplest way of using this Salesforce API is by enabling it for processing records in Data Loader by using CSV files.


API Limits

Salesforce limits the number of API calls for every org to maintain its health and efficiency. There are two major types of API limits – concurrent limits and total limits.

Concurrent limits restrict the number of long-running API calls (20 seconds or more) running simultaneously. On the other hand, total limits restrict the calls made in a period of 24 hours.

Concurrent API limits are different for different org types. While a Trailhead Playground has a limit of 5 long-running calls going on simultaneously, the limit is 25 simultaneous long-running calls for a Sandbox org.

Total API limits are different for different org editions, license types, and expansion packs purchased by the user. For example, the Salesforce Enterprise edition has a limit of 1,000 API calls per license and 200 API calls for the Partner Community license.

On purchasing the Additional API Calls pack, the limit of 1,000 calls is extended and the user is provided with additional 4,000 calls.

It is important for every Salesforce user (especially a developer) to be well-versed with the API limits before going ahead with their usage based on the specific org needs. APIs form the base of every Salesforce integrations and should be deployed with utmost precision for best results.