Auto Capitalize Your Data - Techila Global Services




Make your data look clean.There are cases where Data Entry person enters data without taking care of capitalization of fields. e.g. Name fields should automatically be camel capital – Acme Solutions using an app named as Auto Capitalize Your Data.


There are cases where Data Entry person enters data without taking care of capitalization of fields. e.g. Name fields should automatically be camel capital – Acme Solutions.
This tool allows automating the capitalization once you define the rules.

1) Full – It will change the Fields values all letters in UPPERCASE.

2) Camel – It will change the Fields values First Letter into Capital for each word and rest all letters in Lowercase.

E.g 1:my cOUNtry = becomes = My Country
E.g 2: IBM comPANY = becomes= IBM Company
(that means a word which are having all letters already in Uppercase will remain in Uppercase only, by considering them as an Abbreviation).

3) Sentence – It will change the Fields values into sentence case i.e. the First letter of each sentence will become a Capital and rest all in lowercase.
E.g 1: this is a sAMple text. here Are my bank account details.
= becomes =
This is a sample text. Here are my bank account details.

E.g 2: this is a sAMple text. here Are my ICICI bank account details.
This is a sample text. Here are my ICICI bank account details.




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Latest Release:
January 2022
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